- National Escargot Day | May 24

Description: National Escargot Day | May 24

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The sustainably conducted month-long search for the true Wild Burgundy Snail, across vast tracts of European wilderness, culminates in a feast. A tribute to the world's most versatile protein, National Escargot Day® menus present the Helix Pomatia Linne in all its glory. Diners this year will experience multi-course tasting menus, à la carte options, and even the occasional dessert, honoring the "Kobe Beef of Snails".

100% Organic, 100% Natural, the finest of the 116 edible varieties of helix snail, and the only variety that can be truly called "Burgundy Snail", the Helix Pomatia Linne is also nutritionally unbeatable: see .