ndefoundation.org - NDES – info

Description: The NDES foundation is a non profit charity organization in Africa. We provide assistance to the underprivileged in the areas of health care and education.

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The NDES Foundation was established in 2019 by the surviving family of Ma NDE Elizabeth and Pa NDE Zacharia who lived in Buea in the South West region of Cameroon. It is in their memory that the Foundation works to help some of Cameroon’s most neglected rural communities with a focus on helping these communities to become self-reliant and ultimately sustainable. NDES works mostly in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon, notably in ‘Buea’, near the family home where the daily struggle for life i

We match donated medical supplies and equipment to meet the needs of individuals and hospital with the most urgent needs. Medical supplies and equipment...

Learning materials such as books, computers, benches and other study aids are in acute short supply in many rural areas in Cameroon. Donated educational materials...