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一个非盈利组织,致力于缩小gap in STEM awareness and skills by utilizing aviation to build STEM aptitudes in students and to direct them toward careers in aviation and other STEM-related fields.

In 2005, Guinness World Record holder, Barrington Irving, founded Experience Aviation to face the disparities in the lack of trained professionals in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). By bringing challenging project-based learning, hands-on, STEM building educational opportunities to school districts and local communities nationwide, Experience Aviation has excited the hearts and minds of our youth. The goal has and will always be to give them the necessary tools required to na

Curriculum should be stimulating, captivating, and relevant. The advancements in science and technology in the past quarter century have been monumental but the past 10 years in educational curriculum has been nothing short of extraordinary. Unfortunately, today’s classrooms are still using outdated textbooks, software and technologies that deprive students of the innovative tools, knowledge, and mindsets necessary to compete in tomorrow’s global workforce.