- NW Venture Notes -

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At the preseed, pre-VC database phase, future of work themes seem to be on a continuing big trend. I’m seeing all manner of variety in recruiting, hiring, training, relevant interviewing at scale for everyone involved. How do they stand out when they all seem to have the same secret sauce? Certainly it does depend upon who they are chasing; which segments, what the spend is in the market, and use cases.

The entrepreneurs who are paying attention to the market problems in hiring and HR are trying to fill the gap in a way that makes sense to them, either through automation/technology, through recruiting, or education/mentoring.

The broader theme these entrepreneurs are chasing is in response to structural shifts in the workforce, and perhaps there is a cyclical element. Some of it certainly is pandemic-related, but other factors are in play. Many people have retired, recent uncertainty around H1B visas have to some extent stressed the candidate pipeline for work across the spectrum, and the workforce infrastructure at all levels (physical and tech) are short on support. Physicians, nurses, AI talent, biotech, restaurant workers, p