- Reg. Nutritional Therapist & Functional Medicine Health Coach

Description: Get your energy back, stop food cravings, avoid/reverse type 2 diabetes, and lose weight for the last time. We will show you how.

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Nutritional Therapists take a holistic approach to health and wellness, seeing the person as a whole and considering physical, emotional, and environmental aspects that can influence how someone feels. We assess current food and lifestyle choices, as well as medical history, to identify potential nutritional and metabolic imbalances. By understanding the unique needs of each person, a Nutritional Therapist can make recommendations with the aim to restore homeostasis – the biochemical balance of the body.

Previous Next Nutritional Therapists have a deep understanding of the biochemical processes within the body and the impact of various nutrients and environmental factors on health. We are regulated by our professional body ( British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine ) to stay up-to-date with the latest scientific research and make appropriate, ethical and evidenced recommendations to our clients.

Part of the role of a Nutritional Therapist is to educate on the importance of nutritional choices and empower our clients to make informed decisions on their food and lifestyle. At Integral Wellness, we help men and women – just like you – achieve their health goals, improve their overall quality of life, and prevent future health issues through the power of nutrition.

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