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Nancy received her PhD in Art History from Rhodes University in 2021. She is currently the C-MAP Africa Fellow  at the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Launched in 2009, C-MAP is a global research initiative intended to deepen the Museum’s range of expertise; expand the criteria by which quality in works of art and artistic movements is defined; enable the Museum to understand more fully the historical imperatives and changing conditions of an increasingly globalized art world; and infuse MoMA’s future with

Caption: Class visit to St. Martin de Porres in Orlando West, Johannesburg to view ceiling and original pokerwork crucifix by South African modernist Sidney Khumalo (recently recovered from storage by the current parish priest). This commission was conducted through Polly Street and involved the support and engagement of Khumalo’s peers on site. This visit was generously facilitated by Father Bruce Botha and supported by Wits University. The church and its architecture serves equally as an examp

Modernisms – Africa and the Global South, University of the Witwatersrand, Department of Art History