- Nan Craig

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This new book has just arrived: Terraform: Watch/Worlds/Burn . It’s a collection of stories from Terraform, Vice’s science fiction story hub – my story  #CivilWarVintage  is in there. 

I’m excited to read what else is in here – there’s one from Tim Maughan that I don’t think I’ve read, plus Cory Doctorow, Bruce Sterling, Jeff Vandermeer, Laurie Penny. I’m probably most excited about the people I  don’t  know, though. I’ve read quite a few of these before as they previously appeared on Terraform, but there are new things too.

The reviews have been good (Kirkus: “read these short, biting, vibrant stories for their wit, inventiveness, and verve,”) but I was surprised by several that thought the collection as a whole was excessively dystopic. Kirkus, again: “Overall, this collection presents a sort of paranoid/defiant vision of the future in which everything and everyone is for sale but almost everything of value has been lost.”