- NACGBE- top business performance through networking - National Association of Certified Government Business Executives

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Women Impacting Public Policy, Inc. (WIPP) is a national nonpartisan public policy organization that advocates for and on behalf of women and minorities in business in the legislative processes of our nation, creating economic opportunities and building bridges and alliances to other small business organizations. Through WIPP, our collective voice makes a powerful impact on Capitol Hill and with the Administration.

NACGBE, in association with WIPP, is cohosting an event in Washington D.C. on July 18th, 2012. Titled, "Government Contracting: Top Secret! Small Business Can Learn from Big Business in Federal Contracting" ; NACGBE's own Laverne Jackson, President and CEO of Joint Logistics Managers, Inc. will be a distinguished member of the panel.

National Association of Certified Government Business Enterprises (NACGBE) will celebrate its 10th Anniversary with an Awards Luncheon and Conference on Thursday, September 12th 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The “Small Business Growth Strategies Industry Day” Conference and Anniversary Celebration will be held at the Virginia Historical Society, 418 North Boulevard in Richmond, Virginia.