- My Year Without Complaining | A blog about going 365 days without complaining.

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My mother-in-law, Joanna Mitchell MacLaughlin, died on 08 October 2013.  One of the most common themes in all the eulogies of her was that she never complained. About  anyone , or  anything .  Never.  She never said an unkind word.

I thought about that.  I tried once to go 30 days without complaining and lasted a week.  Even then, I had to cheat.  Does complaining in one’s own head count? Yessss.  But not if nobody knows about it!  If a tree falls in the empty forest….Yes, it still makes a sound.

So, I launched a quest to go a year without complaining and before starting, told two people on the planet about my quest.  One was my webmistress, the great Annie Wilson of .  She’s marvelous!  I need her to help me get this website going. The other waKevin of Qwknet  which hosts this site, and helped me get WordPress established.  I swore them both to secrecy and forged ahead.

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