- PeakSpray – IT | LINUX @Server @Desktop @Notebook @Nas @PI @…

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On the old server: #svnadmin dump REPONAME> REPO.dump On the new server: #svnadmin create REPONAME; svnadmin load –force-uuid REPONAME < REPO.dump That’s IT! Have fun …

Since iOS 7 was launched, Siri-Proxy was not working anymore and so there was no chance to use Siri commands for home automation. Now, with iOS 8.1 Apple introduces "HOMEKIT" - it's a mix of a database and an API. In this Tutorial i will show you, how to setup your own Homekit-Server called "HOMEBRIDGE" that makes it possible again to use Siri for switching on/off lights or everything else. The official setup article in the fhem wiki seems outdated for me. Here is mine ... I am using a Wheezy box - but this

Initial creating with a missing device # mdadm –create /dev/md0 –level=5 –raid-devices=3 /dev/sdg /dev/sdh /dev/sdi missing Checking the details of the newly created device # mdadm –detail /dev/md0 /dev/md0: Version : 1.2 Creation Time : Mon Nov 2 19:52:19 2015 Raid Level : raid5 Array Size : 7813774336 (7451.80 GiB 8001.30 GB) Used Dev Size […]

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