- Mythic Monastery

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Thanks for stopping by! My name is Pat Butler and I’ll be your tour guide for the Mythic Monastery—a virtual space for spiritual direction.

My passion is cultivating spiritual life in myself and others so we flourish in the abundant life Jesus promised. I’m especially fond of doing it through story, film, and the hero’s journey . Have you ever read a book that changed your life? Apart from the Bible, The Writer’s Journey radically altered cinematic screenwriting and the course of my life since 1999. We have Christopher Vogler to thank. The Mythic Monastery flows from his comprehensive story structure, which revolutionized the way people imagine

We are more than a three-act play. The hero’s journey structure engages both mind and imagination, helping us reframe our stories so they become epic. You can expect to find resources to support you in your journey and stories to inspire. If you’re stuck on your hero’s journey, I’ll meet you here . Because everyone needs an ally.