- my scandinavian home

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Tjena! Sweden is slowly waking up after a long weekend of Midsummer celebrations. The sun shone for us all too (usually Midsummer's Eve can be particularly dicey as the Nordic weather gods know we all want to eat alfresco!). All in all, it was a beautiful weekend of wildflowers, dancing around a may pole, singing and catching up with friends and family! Take a look at this post to learn more about the Swedish Midsummer celebrations in case you'd like to join in with the revelry!  Anyhow, I'm sure you're her

This Friday it's arguably the biggest event in the Swedish calendar: Midsummer's Eve! It's a magical day includes dancing around a pole with flowers in your hair and a delicious afternoon meal alfresco with friends and family.  Why not join in the celebrations from afar? Here are five ways how:  1. Make a floral crown for your hair  2. Build a small ' midsommarstång ' (midsummer pole) to put up in your garden like this one and dance around it!  2. Invite family and friends over and dine outside no matter th

I always try to stick to scandinavian homes here on the blog, but every now and again I go off-piste in a spectacular way! Like today. Those of you who know me well, will confirm my lifelong dream of visiting Tasmania, and I'm sure I'm not alone. Despite being on the opposite of the world and no doubt a very different climate, there are a few similarities with the Nordics (at least from what I have seen!). Firstly, Tasmania appears to be characterised by incredible, wild untouched nature. And secondly, this