- Creative Evolution | Mental, Emotional, and Physical Development in the 21st-Century

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Fine-tuning the physical aspect of the human being deals with eliminating distractions that come from the body. This is accomplished by conditioning your body to thrive rather than merely survive. To this end, we will present techniques in three distinct areas: 1) paleolithic nutrition , 2) primal movement , and 3) hatha yoga posture practice . Identification with the body is the primary source of man-machine programming, so as long there is pathology in the body, you will be endlessly distracted, and large

Fine-tuning the personal aspect of the human being requires rigorous self-inquiry . Your programmatic instinct is to project and protect a certain mental image of yourself created to insure your survival. The techniques we will present in this area involve understanding what you are not (getting to know the man-machine), and remembering what you are (returning to your Source). Remembering your True Self in this way is what ultimately frees you from the incessant need to mentally evaluate yourself against so

Fine-tuning the interpersonal/relational aspect of the human being is all about cultivating honesty . This refers to your ability to hold onto and remain within your True Self while interacting with the world at large. Work in this area builds upon self-inquiry and allows you to simply and happily be just what you are in any given moment.  When you are honest and open with the world, you are free from the drives to seek out and collect that which “builds you up,” and to destroy or hide from that which “brea