- Munich Security Token Conference - 7 October, 2022

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For the first time, the lead­ing minds of the reg­u­lated digit­al assets industry gathered in Bavaria’s beau­ti­ful cap­it­al to dis­cuss the hot­test top­ics that will shape tomorrow’s cap­it­al mar­kets and fin­an­cial ser­vices. The live-con­fer­ence happened from Octo­ber 6–8, 2022, with spe­cial side events the day before and the day after.

Block­chain tech­no­logy and the token­iz­a­tion of secur­it­ies are cur­rently on the fast track to revo­lu­tion­ize cap­it­al mar­kets and unlock bil­lions in value. The devel­op­ment pace and dynam­ic changes of this next gen­er­a­tion fin­an­cial products often make it dif­fi­cult to keep track of the cur­rent state. Born by the idea of con­nect­ing the dots, mst­c’s mis­sion is to provide the most up-to-date over­view where the digit­al asset space is headed. By join­ing forces, brings togeth

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