- - Explore & Fly

Description: Mountain Wave Project - exploration of turbulence areas, study of the system rotor-wave in combination with outstanding flights up to the lower edge of stratosphere

aviation (2754) world record (49) turbulence (28) mwp (7) ostiv (2) mountain wave project (1) lee waves (1) joerg hacker (1) rene heise (1) klaus ohlmann (1)

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* without a pc_met password only for GERMANY

 Successful expeditions with record flights over the Andes, amazing flights over french    See Alps and Pyrenees according to the sky is the limit and in combination with     scientific research. Mountain waves are atmospheric internal gravity waves and they  are topics for interest of stratospheric ozone depletion (PSC's), vertical momentum  transport (numerical weather prediction, climat simulation), forecast of space weather  (i.e. mars lander) and in the aviation they are responsible for extreme turbule

Prof. Joerg Hacker