
Description: The personal blog of Casey Kolderup

Example domain paragraphs

1. I was joking, as a defense mechanism, that I had just told an intern I've been working with this summer (with a great deal of self-consciousness for being preachy, but continuing nevertheless) that something I found challenging about being a professional software developer was feeling okay—even good—about code I've written being removed from a codebase, features being turned off after I had agonized over the lines of code required. I meant it. I had watched open source projects develop over my high schoo

2. When I worked at a small ecommerce startup in 2011, the week I arrived I was invited to a funeral. It was a meeting, actually, one held in the open-plan office, for everyone in engineering, design, and product to attend. The funeral was for all the features and experiments that had been discontinued in the past year—the greatest of all a huge Facebook integration that lots of people had worked hard on, and that had brought them so much frustration, and they were proud that it ever worked, but so, so happ

3. Working on and around Chorus was what taught me the difference between a product and a piece of software. I met people who broadened my perspective on... well, pretty much everything, really, but in the most focused way on what it means to build software "products". I had worked places where we actually published periodic updates, some of which got burned to CDs and shipped to important clients with high-level security requirements, and still thought of my job as writing code. With the help of the people

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