- Mood Ring Color Meaning Chart – what's your mood?

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Can a piece of jewelry, in this case a ring or pendant really tell you what mood you are in? I would think not, but some think it can. Either way they are fun to have and see if the color does change when your mood changes. Below is a chart to help you out. The colors won’t be the exact same shade of color yours will be.

Most document.write(' '); mood rings that are made are costume jewelry but you can buy them made in sterling silver. They were created in 1975 by Josh Reynolds and Maris Ambats. They are not actually psychics, they are more like little heat gauges on your finger. They work by using the heat from your finger to change colors. There are liquid crystals in the rings that change color when your body temperature rises or falls. mood ring’s on amazon

Mood Ring Color Meanings