- Computational Impacts – Tech Industry Analysis Without Tech-bro-ism

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[In this post, I imagine that I’m writing to a researcher who, disappointed, and perhaps confused by the seemingly unstoppable corporate direction their field is taking, needs a bit of, well, not cheering up precisely but, something to help them understand what it all means and how to resist] My friend, Listen, I know you’ve…

I’m writing this quickly, as if it’s a dispatch from the front because ideas – and memories – are flowing rather freely and I want to get it all down while synapses are hot. A bit of establishing preamble… This post is inspired by the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank – today’s topic for social…

A few years ago, I started this very blog, devoted, as the subtitle reads, to  “AI industry analysis without hype and techbro-ism.” Writing, when seriously pursued (whether money is exchanged or not) is a demanding activity, requiring time and often, a reduced number of social interactions, things that are becoming ever scarcer in our decaying…

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