- Monday Molly Musings

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 This week, I tried two new-to-me things. I knew others had attempted them with much success but I wasn't sure it would work. I wasn't sure what the end result would look like. It would take a lot of assistance from others to make it happen. In the end, it was a feast for the eyes and delightful for those who weren't part of producing it but could enjoy it nonetheless. The good weather contributed as well.

Today's title reveals what these two events were. The first was the School Expo / Open House on Thursday, May 25. It was too soon to have a second concert, as our first  was in March of this year. We also wanted to share the workload and feature all the amazing things our students do regularly as part of their learning. That way, it wasn't an "add on". 

In the library, instead of a Book Fair like we typically have for Curriculum Night, I got to showcase some actual examples of curriculum. I played a video of the "Make A Machine" movement compilations by the Grade 1s and 1-2s that I see for dance and drama. I also had out the Pokémon cards that the students created as part of their media literacy unit. I also gathered with the Ukulele Club to make our public debut, playing "Mary Had a Little Lamb".