- Molecular Cytogenetics and Genome Evolution: Pat Heslop-Harrison and Trude Schwarzacher, Leicester UK

evolution (997) dna (821) biodiversity (475) genomics (280) crops (162) chromosomes (12) genomes (9) in situ hybridization (6) polyploidy (3) repetitive dna (2)

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Our research on genome evolution in agricultural species provides data-driven insights and evidence-based decision-making for breeding and crop improvement and biodiversity conservation or exploitation. It supports policy and practices, with fundamental implications for genome evolution. Work is at University of Leicester and Chinese Academy of Sciences.

OLD SITE Latest publications and news Our 2022/2023 whole genome assemblies cover Avena, oats , and in the Banana family species Ensete glaucum and Musa beccarii. . We have studied the chloroplast genomes in apomictic Taraxacum (dandelions) . A 2023 publication considers the role of polyploidy or whole genome duplication in ecology and evolution . We had 2023 talk on flax/linseed/Linum genomic diversity . Publications New project on Diversity, Molecular Cytogenetics and Genomics of enset. Conferences includ

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