- Mobile Social Congress – Switch to fair electronics

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MSC-001-ENG MSC-002-ENG Mobile Social Congress This 2023 we inaugurate the 8th edition of the Mobile Social Congress Social Congress, a space open to the public, which offers a critical look at the current model of production and consumption of electronic devices and information and communication technologies, and an opportunity to learn about alternative models and projects based on technological sovereignty, sustainability, and social benefit.

The MSC will bring together experts from the North and the South, to provide a critical view, in order to be able to take an active role as citizens when choosing the policies and purchase options that contribute to a more sustainable, healthier and fairer world, both for us and future generations.

A program full of opportunities to learn more about what's behind our mobiles and tablets, and activities to take steps towards a more sustainable consumption of electronics and technological sovereignty. We look forward to seeing you!