mistressadvisor.uk - Account Suspended

Description: London Dominatrix Mistress BDSM UK and World Directory This website promotes and advertises dominant women, the dominatrix, and mistress services in London, USA, Europe, Asia to Australia, and all parts of the world. We promote the professional lifestyle dominatrix

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Mistress Advisor Directory  is leading the way in modern mistress marketing techniques using stunning video as well as picture listings.  A world female domina directory containing Elite Mistresses, of both lifestyle and professional listings from around the world – Professional dominatrices from the UK, Europe, Australia, Asia.

BDSM  means something special for anyone, to the individual it can be a safe place to go to in times of emotional stress or just a very safe zone where you can engage with your desires and reinforce your belief in who you really are and play out your fantasies with like-minded people. We hope you find what you’re looking for inside.