missionarypipeline.org - Pipeline – Three Strand Partners

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This book will help churches understand their role in fulfilling the Great Commission by raising up and sending out the next generation of missionaries. It is a collaboration of 40 different authors from churches, agencies, parachurch organizations, as well as cross-cultural servants on the field.

Catalyst Services   announced  the list of "Best Missions Books" of 2018 recommended by readers. "This book is rich in content but also in variety of opinions and perspectives because it is a compilation from 40 contributors. Every mission’s mobilization department and every mission-minded church needs to read the book." Find out more here!

What would it look like if a local church really took the last words of Jesus seriously? The Great Commission was not just a suggestion by our Lord, but an imperative mandate given to His followers. The church has marching orders to go into all the world with the message of hope and salvation for all to hear. Missionary sending agencies are deploying workers to the field, but many of them come from disengaged churches that are not producing well equipped disciples.  We need a fully integrated global supply