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You might not have known what they are called, but you've seen the Nagel Women, probably in a beauty salon. If you are of a certain age, you recognize the images as resembling the cover of the 1982 album Rio by Duran Duran. It's the distinctive minimalist style of artist Patrick Nagel . Nagel women first appeared in posters and in Playboy magazine in the 1970s, although their appearance is a throwback to the art deco style of the early 20th century. These ultramodern yet retro images were everywhere in the

I love the ethnic diversity in American Muslim communities 💖 pic.twitter.com/UeUlSXn9S1

Cancer is not a bacterial infections or a virus, like so many other diseases. Cancer happens when our own cells start to grow and divide abnormally. By the time a cancer is large enough for modern medical science to detect it, your body has already thrown many defensive weapons against it. In fact, finding and destroying cancerous cells is part of the body's everyday routine. Cancer as we know it happens when the body's defensive weapons are losing the battle against that abnormal growth. That's when we hav