mindaugasmozuras.com - Coding Fearlessly

Description: Coding Fearlessly - thoughts and code by Mindaugas Mozūras.

Example domain paragraphs

I enjoy consuming books , and I work in software engineering . So, the obvious thing to do is to write a blog post about software engineering books that I’d recommend. This is that blog post.

Some time ago, I was asked what got me in my career to where I am right now. I lead engineering, and I’m part of the top leadership team at Vinted, a company that was valued at $4.5B in 2021 . It might be that the question asker was looking for some recommendations, expecting me to highlight some skills, traits, or habits.

To escalate, or not, that is the question: Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles