mikehaynes.blog - Mike Haynes

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There was plenty to celebrate, but little time to do so. Despite the show’s roughly three-hour run time, developers were frequently treated to the ‘wrap it up’ musical cue mid-way through emotional comments about the industry and community, and it often felt like they had a fraction of the time awarded for celebrity monologues.

The wrap-up music literally interrupted Lisa Aquilino while she was accepting Cocoon’s Debut Indie award. They lowered the music when she started speaking but it didn’t make it any less frustrating to watch. How is that “celebrating games”?

Taking the The Game Awards seriously has always been difficult. The awards themselves are tight on time. They’re sandwiched between trailers, celebrities, and nonsense. Last night, Geoff Keighley announced 4-5 awards by himself on a balcony in under 60 seconds. Meanwhile, Hideo Kojima, Matthew McConaughey, and others got the stage and had 10 minutes each to talk and joke about whatever they wanted.

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