miguelsdiving.com - Dive Gorontalo, Sulawesi, Indonesia with Miguel's Diving

Description: Dive Gorontalo, Indonesia’s hidden paradise. It is located in Sulawesi in the heart of the Coral Triangle. Enjoy diving with scuba pioneer Miguel’s Diving!

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Gorontalo lies along the northern coastline of Tomini Bay in northern Sulawesi, Indonesia. As you travel in our speed boat, gaze up the towering limestone cliffs that plunge directly into the sea.  A narrow coral reef rims the coastline. To dive Gorontalo is a world-class experience. Have you ever looked across the equator? Ask us to show you how to see the curve of the earth!

The continental wall of Sulawesi lies within a few meters of the shore . The first wall falls to about 30 meters where a short shelf is visible. Below is another vertical drop to 120 meters. Tomini Bay itself is over 4,000 meters deep . Deep ocean water comes right to shore. As a result, pelagic marine life passes near the wall. This includes schooling trevally, whales and whale sharks .  Watch a whale shark video shot in Gorontalo . Also, we see pods of Bottle-nosed and Risso’s dolphin. Please ask us to ex

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