mightymanadam.com - MightyManAdam

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Thank you to Lt. Col. Rob Balzano for providing this slide show. We love it! Posted by Janna 6 comments No News Is Good News, Right? Adam had a blast at the church activity for the kids. It was a water service day where the kids were able to help wash cars and have water fun as well. You can see he is soaking wet. He was in Heaven!!! Actually, I do have news. Good news at that! I will start with the news we've been waiting for. Adam had his one year post transplant aspiration (yep, that's right, one year...

(The MightyManAdam Fund account set up at Bank of America has been closed due to monthly fees we could not maintain.)

Any donation made to this fund will be used solely to pay for Adam's care and is accepted with the sincerest gratitude.