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In this website you will find details of the HE keynotes, workshops and consultancies that we offer, along with comments from delegates who have participated in previous sessions.  Since Spring 2020 we have presented over 25 of these online.  We present together and separately, dependent on the topic and our availability.  There are also our biographies, a list of our learning and teaching publications, and some useful resources. The latter have been downloaded over  100,000 times.  Tess (2006-20), Sam, Meg

 One of the first sessions Ruth and I ran together was in July 2017, when we presented a joint keynote and workshop at Writtle University College, UK. This was a ‘coming home’ for Mick as he was bought up on the College Estate where his father was Vice Principal.  He would be immensely proud of three generations of Healey’s presenting professionally at the College!

Ruth was awarded a 2017 National Teaching Fellowship (NTF).  According to the HE Academy we made ‘a little bit of academic history’ as the first parent and child to both be NTF recipients. In 2000, 17 years before, Ruth, then aged 17, was at Mick’s award ceremony.  Mick was at Ruth’s ceremony in November 2017.

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