michibo.github.io - Michael Borinsky - About me

Description: My field is mathematical physics. In my research, I deal with the mathematical structures of physical theories at the level of elementry particles.

physics (1177) combinatorics (30) mathematical physics (12) asymptotics (4) quantum field theory (3) random graphs (3) renormalization (3) michael borinsky (2) asymptotic expansions (2) feynman amplitudes (2)

Example domain paragraphs

I am a researcher and work as an advanced fellow (which is a 5-year postdoc position) at the ETH-ITS in Zürich. My field of research is mathematical physics. I am interested in the mathematical structures of quantum field theories.

For instance, I am working on applications of such structures to mathematical questions in topology and geometric group theory, and on the integration of ideas from algebraic geometry into the quantum field theory framework with the intention to facilitate physically relevant computations.

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