michaeltellinger.com - Michael Tellinger

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Remember Me

” Welcome  to my website. I urge you to keep an open mind as you navigate the content. I connect the dots between widely diverse subjects to remind us how everything is connected. Remember that we are the makers of our own reality – the nature of our reality is very different from what we imagine it to be – things are not as they seem – and everything we have been taught is a lie. The history of our planet and our origins as a species is very different from what most of us can imagine. We are a species with

Michael Tellinger is a scientist, explorer and internationally acclaimed author of numerous books, and dozens of lectures available on YouTube. He is the founder of the UBUNTU Liberation Movement of UNITY & Higher Consciousness. Michael has become an authority on the ancient vanished civilisations of Southern Africa, the mysterious origins of humankind, resonance, cymatics, and the power of sound. His research includes a diverse field of subjects such as archaeology, mythology, human origins, religion, orig

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