michaelmoor.ml - Michael Moor

Description: Personal webpage of Michael Moor

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📢 New piece published today in @Nature ! It was a pleasure to work with such a stellar team including Oishi Banerjee, @ZahraShakerii , @hmkyale , @jure , @EricTopol , and @pranavrajpurkar ! 🧵below. https://t.co/xSEkkaXqJ8 @Stanford @Harvard @Yale @UofT @scrippsresearch 1/n

Excited to see our paper covered on the @Stanford news front page: Link to the post: https://t.co/Z2uPX0yw2g Thank you for great article @coreybinns , and the strong support by Jill Wu and @Taylor_Kubota ! https://t.co/ObXhtGAX9r pic.twitter.com/OtQkGGh0Vx

Gave my first live talk @Stanford about "Topol🍩gical representation learning". Here are the slides 🖥, created with reveal.js 🔥 https://t.co/IXlTb9hxtM #MachineLearning #TDA #topology #revealjs (1/2) pic.twitter.com/r1C3uwLlTw

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