michaelmarksphoto.com - Michael Marks Photography | Dedicated to Black and White Film Photography, the Magic of the Darkroom, and the Community that Lov

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You can’t always have your camera with you but whenever you can it’s a good idea.  I was in Bethlehem, PA this past week with another Monalog member for a meeting at a gallery where we’re going to have a show in August. While walking to a diner for lunch a hairdresser in a somewhat bizarre dress walked outside the door of her shop. It would have been a good picture … if I had my camera with me #$%^&%^!

On Saturday my wife and I drove to Jersey (I always seem to be in Jersey these days) to see my grandchildren’s dance recital. This time I brought my Leica M2 and some Tri-X with me. So quiet, it was perfect and promised not to draw attention to itself or to me. Running late as usual, I ran out the door without loading my camera so I had to do it in the in the Middle School auditorium with the lights dimmed. Note to Self … don’t try loading film into a Leica M2 or M3 in poor light!  Not only do you have to s

The lighting was challenging with my Summicron lens but I still managed to use an entire roll of film.  The tiny and cute pre-school ballerinas made the best pictures and I am hoping for some keepers. My purpose in attending the recital was to see my grandchildren, but if I didn’t have my camera with me I never would have had this added opportunity! So do yourself a favor and carry your camera with you whenever possible.