michaeljamesonmoney.com - Michael James on Money

Description: A blog about personal finance, investing, and money.

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A quest for smarter saving, spending, and investing

My most recent post is: Finding a Financial Advisor Here are some short takes and some weekend reading: Mr. Money Mustache has decided that he has become too frugal and needs to loosen up.  He’s not alone.  I know many people who spend way below their means, although they are greatly outnumbered by overspenders.  I’ve been told by high-end financial advisors that a high proportion of their clients are underspenders, but that’s an extreme example of survivorship bias.  Underspenders need to learn to spend a

After reading yet another article on how to find a good financial advisor, I was struck by how useless the advice is for most people.  The problem is that how you should proceed depends on your income and net worth.  There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Let’s consider a couple of examples to illustrate what I mean. Case 1:   Meet Amy.  She’s in her 30s, earns $65,000 per year, and has $10,000 saved.  She’s learned that how she invests can make a big difference in how much money she will have saved by the

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