michael-s-gardner.com - Michael Gardner | Writer of horror, fantasy and the weird

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My latest short story, Museum of Silences, was released in Interzone Digital. It’s available to read for free here . This is my first appearance with Interzone Digital, who were great to work with. Hoping to see more stories appear with Interzone in the future.

Renovation Makeover is an absurdist story that has just been published in Andromeda Spaceways Magazine. It’s based on a frustrating dream I had about people ruining my house and me being too polite to stop them. Not sure what that says about me, but if you are interested in having a read, it’s available to buy here . I really love the cover design.

Metaphorosis Magazine released part 1 of my novella, ‘Infinite Possibilities’. Metaphorosis has serialised the story, with the next 3 parts coming out on the last Friday of October, November and December.