mic-roland.com - Mic Roland – Exploring the Resilient Life

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This series is a different approach to post-apocalyptic fiction. My goal was to write a realistic tale about how ordinary people struggle to cope with a suddenly grid-down world. The protagonist is not a former Navy SEAL with super ninja skills, is not an expert marksman, nor automatically has the perfect answer or gadget for every predicament. Instead, he is just an average guy trying to cope. The men and women in this story have to make do with whatever they had and improvise for the rest.

The story begins with the mysterious grid-down event. No one knows why the grid failed, nor does the “why” matter much. The city is paralyzed. Everyone in Boston is trying to get home. Gridlock. Martin decides to walk the 50 miles to his home in New Hampshire. His plan did not account for Susan. More about Book 1…

“ …not a stereotypical survival story… It is realism to the N th degree.”

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