- Military Families Speak Out – ——Support Our Troops —–Bring Them Home Now and Take Care Of Them When They Get Here

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Military Families Speak Out [MFSO]  is an organization of military families across the US and around the world who have a loved one who has served in the military since 9-11. Our membership includes Gold Star Families. We oppose the wars in Iraq and Syria, and speak out against other unjust military interventions. 

As families with loved ones who were or are in the military, we have both a unique voice and role to play in speaking out. It is our loved ones who are, have been, or will be on the frontlines. It is our loved ones who are risking injury and death. It is our loved ones who are returning scarred both physically and emotionally. 

OUR MISSION: The mission of Military Families Speak Out is to advocate for all U.S. troops to leave Iraq and Afghanistan now and to speak out against unjust military interventions.  MFSO supports policies that utilize diplomacy over military force.  We support the troops and work hard to ensure that their needs are met while deployed and when they return home.

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