- | Melinda Roos

Example domain paragraphs

We writers express ourselves in the best medium we know how, through words.  Straightforward, laced, metaphors, riddles and poetry, they come in all forms.  White spaces are canvasses to those brimming thoughts swirling in our heads, blinking cursors and inks of all kinds are the brushes that give life to the words percolating and bubbling over in our heads, screaming to be unleashed.

Writing is cathartic for me, and I sometimes forget that what I write does affect others too.  A worried phone call from far away in the wee hours one morning, understandably over something I wrote, led me to take the silent road for a while and embark on a much-needed introspection.

Moving a family and a marriage abroad has been a great challenge.  Everybody thinks that expatriation sounds so exciting and adventurous.  It is easy to underestimate the difficulty of settling into a new life in a new country.  Major ups and downs have put our marriage to several tests, and setbacks have made us question the choices that have been made.