- Do Some Good For Others – Connection. Support. EncouragementGood Feels Good

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For those who are married, their spouse is typically their closest relationship. As a widower, I am intimately aware of the impact the loss of this relationship has, and the need to stay connected to others during and after those difficult times.  One way to do that is to meetup for coffee with a friend.

After losing my wife, one of my best friendships I have today started with a conversation over a cup of coffee. That friend is one who has walked along side of me during the worst part of my life.

To support those who have lost their partner, I have started Meet Up For Coffee. It is a group meetup for widows and widowers. I have found comfort in talking with others who have also experience a loss of a spouse. It is about sharing the hard times grief can bring, sharing the good things going on in our lives, and developing friendships. At times people will organize get together outside of the coffee times such as going to a movie, lunch, comedy show, etc…