- Medicine 2.0

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JMIR Publications Advancing Digital Health & Open Science Select options Articles Help Resource Center Author Hub Editor Hub Reviewer Hub Librarian Hub Login Register Medicine 2.0 Journal of Medical Internet Research 7471 articles JMIR Research Protocols 3305 articles JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2458 articles JMIR Formative Research 1932 articles JMIR Medical Informatics 1177 articles JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 1141 articles JMIR Mental Health 881 articles JMIR Human Factors 517 articles Iproceedings

"Medicine 2.0" (ISSN 1923-2195, Medline Abbreviation: Med 2 0) is the official proceedings publication of the Medicine 2.0 Congress (World Congress on Social Media in Health, Medicine, Health, and Biomedical Research), and other events, workshops and tutorials promoted under the Medicine 2.0 label.

We currently only accept submissions from presenters at Medicine 2.0 conferences and workshops promoted at . (Event organizers interested in promoting their workshop/tutorial/event under the Medicine 2.0 label and making it eligible for publication in a PubMed-indexed Proceedings volume, please contact us.)

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