- Medicare for All PDX | Medicare for All PDX

Description: Medicare for All PDX is a coalition of organizations in Portland, Oregon. We are fighting for single payer healthcare and health justice. We believe that healthcare is a human right and that the only way to guarantee that right is with Medicare for All. Our member organizations include Portland DSA, Portland Jobs with…

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Medicare for All PDX is a coalition of organizations in Portland, Oregon. We are fighting for single payer healthcare and health justice. We believe that healthcare is a human right and that the only way to guarantee that right is with Medicare for All.

Our member organizations include Portland DSA , Portland Jobs with Justice , Health Care for All Oregon-Action , the Democratic Party of Oregon Health Care and Public Health Caucus , Physicians for a National Health Program Oregon , and Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility

The movement to win Medicare for All is people-powered we need your support. To get involved, fill out the contact form at our "Get Involved" page and someone will reach out to you with more information.