- A Media Specialist's Guide to the Internet

Example domain paragraphs

We have all recently received emails and texts claiming that an account will be deactivated due to some circumstance or another. I'm going to show you how to instantly know that the sender is a fraud.

TEXTS I have personally been receiving several of these per week, and it seems that the majority are from those who are trying to impersonate Apple. Here is what one looks like. Notice the highlighted red squares--- the sender's address makes no sense and shows nothing with anything related to Apple. The link they are asking you to click on is a shortened URL with no information telling me it's Apple computer.

Now look at the copyright section at the bottom of the text. Apple Computer is located in Cupertino, California. Hollyhill Industrial Estate is located in Ireland, and although Apple has a location there, they would NEVER send a text or email for verification if there was a problem with you account.

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