- America's Mechanized Guerrillas

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The Republican party is blocking all attempts to openly investigate the January 6 attack on the Capitol... But at the same time they are also trying to tell us that the attack wasn't even done by Republicans . So to be extra clear: they are aggressively fighting the investigation into what they claim was an attack by 'false flag' actors - a claim easily refuted with gigabytes of data from the rioters themselves (see below).

Since many of the attackers genuinely believed they were doing their patriotic duty (acting on President Trump's seditious lies), they proudly uploaded their actions to the app Parler. All of the video was collected and can be seen based on location and time of day - from the White House to the Capitol.

Humanity's challenges of the 21st century have technical solutions already available. But we face a Republican party that denies the very existence of our greatest long term challenge: Anthropomorphic Climate Change. There are steps we should be taking today to reduce the risk of ruining our planetary ecosystem and setting up our children for a horrific future. But the Republican Party is systematically denying us the opportunity. There is a very limited amount of time we can remain meek on this topic...