- MDS Attacks: Microarchitectural Data Sampling

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Attacks on the newly-disclosed "MDS" hardware vulnerabilities in Intel CPUs

The RIDL and Fallout speculative execution attacks allow attackers to leak private data across arbitrary security boundaries on a victim system, for instance compromising data held in the cloud or leaking your data to malicious websites. Our attacks leak data by exploiting the 4 newly disclosed Microarchitectural Data Sampling (or MDS ) side-channel vulnerabilities in Intel CPUs. Unlike existing attacks, our attacks can leak arbitrary in-flight data from CPU-internal buffers ( Line Fill Buffers , Load Ports

RIDL ( Rogue In-Flight Data Load ) shows attackers can exploit MDS vulnerabilities to mount practical attacks and leak sensitive data in real-world settings. By analyzing the impact on the CPU pipeline, we developed a variety of practical exploits leaking in-flight data from different internal CPU buffers (such as Line-Fill Buffers and Load Ports ), used by the CPU while loading or storing data from memory.