mbilalmahmood.com - Bilal Mahmood for San Francisco District 5 Supervisor

Description: Bilal is a child of immigrants and renter in the Tenderloin, elected member of the Democratic Party, and candidate for District 5 Supervisor.

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We have just years left to address the economic, safety, and climate crises facing San Francisco. I’m running for State Assembly to bring real results to California and ensure we remain a beacon of hope for the middle class. We will do this by reforming our public schools to be pandemic proof, and building new systems to actually eliminate chronic homelessness. We will cut crime at its root by going after drug dealers and criminal cartels, while addressing anti-Asian violence. And we will create a new green

Bilal is an innovator with experience in both the public and private sectors who thinks big, never quits, and delivers on real results. The child of immigrants, Bilal has worked to address economic inequities as a neuroscientist at Stanford, analyst in the Obama Administration, and founder of nonprofits in San Francisco. His innovative and collaborative approach to addressing our most pressing problems have improved people’s lives locally and globally for over a decade.

Our political establishment has become a Party of Excuses. The city seems set on saying no to affordable and middle class housing, no to safe and clean streets, and no to small business. I’m running to be an elected member of the Democratic Party to return it to a Party of Results , not excuses . We will lose legitimacy if we fail to deliver on outcomes. We must work together to achieve solutions, big and small, to improve the quality of life in the city we love. Together we can realize a bold, diverse, and