- Matthew Wegner – Technology, unicycles, and the occasional rant.

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For small office/home setups, 10-gigabit networking is probably a lot cheaper than you think.  For larger environments, it’s certainly going to cost more, but also your IT costs should be a  smaller percent relative to human/salary budgets.  (If you’re in a “real” office without 10gbit, and you throw a lot of data around to network resources–get it fixed).

Gigabit isn’t that fast!  You’ll see ~100MB/s on network transfers.  Ever needed to temporarily move a few terabytes from a computer so you could reformat it?  It’s painful.  Back in the days when most HDs could read/write at a little north of 100MB/s, it wasn’t as noticeable.  These days, SSDs, multiple-HD arrays, and especially NVMe drives blow  way past that limit.

The cheapest possible 10gbe setup is to directly link two hosts.  Very commonly, this is a single server and some network attached storage device.  For that, you will need:

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