- Matthew C Lamb

Example domain paragraphs

I watched new movie The Creator last night and was struck by how many of its elements were reminiscent of other films. I was perfectly pleased with the plot, visuals, characters and action and found it to be an original, engaging and at times emotional story, but those similarities kept drawing me out of the…

What the heck is a rhyming story? Isn’t that just a poem? I had no idea, but I decided to enter the inaugural NYC Midnight Rhyming Story Challenge anyway. I’ve had success in the NYC Midnight Short Story Challenges in previous years (stroll back through my posts to see my winning entries), so I was…

(There is a drum roll, it rattles on longer than the nerves can handle, rumbling through your bowels and building like rising water until you wonder if you will ever be able to breathe again…) Annnnndddddd… I didn’t win! Not even the top 10. I’m not sure where I placed outside of that, as only…

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