- The Mathematical Brain

Description: Why do we think we're so bad at maths, when we're all - almost all - born with brain circuits specialised for numbers? Our ability to use numbers has been the key from taking us from the Stone Age to the Phone Age. Trade, science and technology would be impossible without this ability. Neuroscientist Brian Butterworth argues that we are all born with brain circuits specialised for numbers. He shows that the earliest humans, in the depths of the Ice Age, made tallies on bones and cave walls, and that babies

brain (1296) mathematics (1235) numbers (352) neuropsychology (127) dyscalculia (56) macmillan (37) the mathematical brain (2) brian butterworth (2) hard-wired (2) acalculia (2)

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Adrianne Medlrum interview on "Number Sense and Subitizing: 8 Ways Dyscalculic Learners Can Soar" on

Review of Can Fish Count? in The Mathematical Intelligencer by Giorgio Vallortigara. (30th October 2022).

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