- Material Truth | "We may deny the truth, but we cannot escape its consequences."

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Hard to believe how many months have passed by since I late updated Material Truth. While I still put a lot of effort into researching information online and from alternative media, I no longer have the time to dedicate to this site that I did last year. In addition to a new job, during the past months I have been spending an increasing amount of my time attending protests, demonstrations, conferences, forums, documentary screenings and other events related to my activism and the issues I find most importan

Many of these issues are the same ones I had been posting about on Material Truth, especially the following: drone strikes; the NDAA/indefinite detention; Guantanamo/torture; abuses by the US military/private contractors; GMOs/Monsanto; fracking; Fukushima/nuclear; indigenous peoples’ rights; militarization of domestic police/police brutality; criminalization of dissent and peaceful protest – both overseas and in the US; the Israeli apartheid state/occupation Palestine; US imperialism; the surveillance stat