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Gambling is when you risk something of value – usually money but it could be anything from fruit machines to lottery tickets or scratchcards – on an event that has a high probability of being determined at least partly by chance. It is often seen as a dangerous and harmful activity but, in reality, there are also some positive benefits.

When people think of gambling they tend to think of casinos, slot machines and sports betting but there is a lot more to it than that. Playing bingo, buying lottery or scratchcards and even betting with friends are all forms of gambling. In fact, most people have gambled at one time or another and some have even won big!

What is the psychology behind gambling? When people gamble they are looking to win a certain amount of money. The brain releases a chemical called dopamine when you gamble and this makes you feel excited, particularly when you win. However, the problem is that the dopamine response is still produced when you lose, so many people find it hard to recognize when they should stop gambling.